
One Happy Island... by Pamela Green

Visiting Aruba has undoubtedly broadened and shaped my limited perspective of the values and morals of another culture. In case you may not have known, I am an absolute stranger when it comes to traveling abroad. The fact is, I haven't. This entry will mark my first vacation (yes, at this late age) outside of the United States.

The reasons behind choosing Aruba are simply due to the desire to trace my roots. My parents were born and lived in Aruba for quite sometime until they migrated to the United States. Since then, I have not been exposed to their culture; nor have met my relatives overseas. Once I obtained my Passport, Aruba was THE first place to go. In an effort to summarize my entire experience, I will not only show the typical tourist side of Aruba... but the actual lifestyle and lively hood of its citizens. So enjoy this entry, this is a long and very informative one! Note: I took ALL photos through the iPhone 5...

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It's the Thought that Counts... by Pamela Green

Laptop Card, 2013

Laptop Card, 2013

It was around that time of year, folks. Yes, it was. It was HIS birthday and for the longest amount of time he mentioned how much he wanted a laptop. "I want this one. OH look Pam! That one is on sale! Wow 4 RAMS and a duel-processor!" Just about four months had passed since his first mention of a laptop and the thought lingered constantly within (Pam just get him the blasted laptop already). But when the time came, I simply did NOT have the funds. I mean of course it would've been an awesome present, but sometimes you have to choose an alternative route.

If you personally know me, well-even if you don't: I am a very creative individual. Even when it comes to gifts, I seriously think about a present months ahead of time. In this particular scenario, I didn't want to get him an average laptop, I wanted it to be a great one. But once again, I did not have the funds. So I thought of other ways I could give him his laptop, but just not an actual one. At first I decided to bake a cake, then I was going to buy a small tablet, or perhaps settle and buy a used one... but with the days proceeding October 15th was right around the corner. What you see pictured here is the end result. Yes, I designed a card.. and why not?!

I initially started with a logo similar to Hewlett-Packard's. I thought it'd be cool to mix our names together and then scrambled for free metallic textures online. After that was of course implementation and design. The keyboard, screenshots, pictures, etc. The little symbols you see are elements of our lives (companies we work for, what we like, his obsession with Facebook, etc). After that it was a matter of choosing the right card-stock and printing from home. 

Now I know this is not a typical entry, but not everything I design is for business.... sometimes its just the though that counts. I'm glad he loved it! 


Throwback Thursday: "Polly Want a Cocktail?" by Pamela Green

"Polly Want a Cocktail?" 14"x17" Colored Pencil. 2005.

I wanted to give some of you a more juvenile side of me. This illustration entitled, "Polly Want a Cocktail?" depicts a relaxed parrot enjoying his wine and crackers. As a teen I had a series of pets–rather birds: canaries zebra finches, parakeets, etc. My slight obsession with birds carried for many years until this day. They were my inspiration for this, along with household furniture and the need to tame my dozen canaries. This drawing hangs upon my mothers wall back home in New Jersey where it is recognized as one of my childhood achievements. I won 1st place in illustration (at the Hall of Records Art Show in 2005 in Freehold, NJ) with this piece. It was my second competition (since the 5th grade) I entered to win top prize.

Oh, what imagination I had back then...
